Our Vision

OLAND SPACE PLANNING & DESIGN 現有架構成形於2003年。公司精於兩大專業服務領域:商業空間規劃及室內設計。 OLAND 的員工從初期的數人穩定增長至現今實力雄厚的三十餘人的團隊。依循公司發展理念,避免過度擴張,以保持優質的設計水平和專業服務,目前 OLAND 在芝加哥、西安、濟南、迪拜設有公司或辦事處。

OLAND 提供優質的設計顧問服務。從眾多的室內設計方案中,設計人員獲得了豐富的知識和經驗,對空間規劃亦有相當深刻的了解。以不斷嘗試和測試的方式為基礎,在不犧牲設計完整性的情況下,務求以最實惠的工程造價達到最佳的空間效果。我們的設計團隊不懈的採用新科技、施工技術及物料,以呈現革新和創意的設計方案,令每個專案都成為一個里程碑。

OLAND 積極參與高端的旅館會所、餐飲娛樂、企業空間、住宅樣板間、商場購物中心的室內設計。我們的設計理念是要捕捉永恆的精髓和特質,賦予嶄新的意念及獨特的個性,而又流露出對傳統的尊崇。

OLAND 的目標是在滿足客戶要求的同時,亦忠於公司的理念,對設計品質和專業服務抱著始終不渝的信念與承諾。

OLAND SPACE PLANNING & DESING assumed its present structure in 2003 and focuses on two main areas of works–commercial space planning and interior design. OLAND has grown steadily from a workforce of 7 to a team of 30 strong staff, in line with the company's philosophy to resist over expansion and maintain a hands–on approach in the pursuit of quality and design excellence. Recently, OLAND has established branch offices in Chicago, Xian, Jinan and Dubai.

OLAND provides a service which goes beyond design consultancy per se. As our directors have an intrinsic understanding of the building industry through current experience from our interior construction arm, a symbiotic relationship exists whereby knowledge is shared and applied. Decisions are made based on tried and tested methods, results are achieved without sacrificing the integrity of design. Having said this our team of designers constantly seeks to expose themselves to new technologies, construction techniques and materials to achieve innovative and creative solutions whilst achieving the target milestones of a project.

OLAND actively participates in hotel & spa; dining & club, residential, corporation and shopping center projects. Our design philosophy is to produce designs that capture the spirit and ethos of the moment and are innovative and unique, whilst being respectful of past traditions.

OLAND 's ultimate goal is to satisfy our clients' requirements whilst staying true to our philosophy, with an unwavering commitment to excellence in the quality of our service and end product.